According to the USDA, there is no evidence to suggest that food produced in the United States can transmit COVID-19. Learn about food safety during the COVID-19 crisis and how to properly store, prepare, and cook your beef purchases.


Savor the Savings: How to Cook Beef on a Budget

When you cook with Natural Angus beef, or any beef for that matter, seeking more economic options shouldn’t limit the flavor and nutrition you crave. Nor should your grocery shopping decisions be limited to a debate between buying ground beef versus ground chuck.

What is Flap Steak? Get All the Answers About this Underrated Beef Cut

Read on to get all your questions answered about this under-the-radar cut that’s beloved by foodies and chefs alike. We’ll also share mouthwatering recipes that’ll make your table the talk of the neighborhood.

What is flap steak?

Flap steak comes from the sirloin primal,

Everything You Need to Know about Natural Angus Beef Cuts

When it comes to beef cuts, you probably know a few of them. Ground beef. Steak. Maybe sirloin or ribeye? Roasts. Ribs.

But, when you’re at the meat case or ordering from a menu, some specific cuts of beef—chuck roll roast,

How to Perfectly Cook 4 of the Most Versatile Cuts of Natural Angus Beef at Home

Whether you’re firing up a charcoal or gas grill, or cooking indoors, getting your meat “just right” can seem like an art. At Aspen Ridge® Natural Angus Beef, we believe it’s more of a science, and everyone can prepare their beef to perfection with the right instructions.

Understanding the Differences Between Natural Angus and American Wagyu Beef

As consumers, we have a variety of beef options to choose from, not only in the supermarket, but at some of our favorite restaurants, as well.

You may frequently see terms like “Natural Angus Beef” or “American Wagyu” on store labels or by that juicy beef item you’re eyeing on the menu.

USDA Prime Beef vs. Angus Beef: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to buying beef products, we have more options than ever to choose from—in the past, Americans mainly focused on the cuts they needed to make a particular meal. Now, with over 26 billion pounds of beef produced in the U.S.

Hormone-Free, Antibiotic-Free, Natural … What Do These Beef Labels Mean?

You’re at the meat case in the grocery store looking for beef to recreate that trendy recipe or make your favorite family meal. You find several options: natural, all-natural, naturally raised, organic, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, grass fed …

With all the labels out there,

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